The Decisions that Affect Your Life
How can I reduce losses during a down market?
Am I putting my retirement savings in the right place?
Which mutual funds should I be using in my 401(k)?
How should I save for my child’s college education?
Retirement Planning. Thoughts eventually turn toward retirement and what life may be like when full-time work is no longer necessary (or possible):
Will I have enough saved to retire at … 62?
Can I “retire” at 59 if I work part-time from 59 to 64?
What should I do with my 401(k) after I leave the job?
At what age should I start taking Social Security?
Distribution Planning. For most people, periodic withdrawals from savings will be required to fully cover living expenses during retirement. This leads to questions such as:
Which of my account(s) should be tapped first?
How much can I safely withdraw and still be OK financially?
How do I calculate IRA required minimum distributions?
What’s the best way to pay income taxes in retirement?
Tax Planning. While we do not prepare tax returns, there are a number of areas where planning can help minimize the tax burden. Related questions include:
Why are my current investments generating so much tax?
Which is best for me, taxable bonds or municipal bonds?
How can I diversify when I have such large built-in capital gains?
Can I continue to defer taxes on an inherited IRA?
Insurance Planning. The most significant opportunities for insurance planning are in the areas of life insurance and long-term care insurance:
Will my family be OK if I were to die tomorrow?
Is the insurance I have through my work good enough?
Am I paying too much for life insurance coverage?
Do I need (and can I afford) long-term care insurance?
Estate Planning. While we do not prepare wills or other legal documents, there are a number of ways we can work with an estate-planning attorney to help with the efficient transfer of assets to your heirs. Related questions include:
Can you refer me to a good estate planning attorney?
How much can I gift to my children without incurring tax?
Does my will or other estate plan need to be updated?
Do I have to name IRA beneficiaries when I have a will?